It may come as no surprise that Las Vegas residents take great comfort in basking in the shade of our sparse trees. As one of the most resilient trees to our desert climate remains to be the Ash tree, particularly Raywood Ash and Arizona Ash varieties, concerns have continued to grow regarding the pests that thrive on these specific tree species.
For over a decade the invasion of Emerald Ash Beetles, native to Russia and China, have continued to infiltrate the north eastern states, and have been found as far west as Colorado and Texas. Assumed to have entered America unintentionally in ash wood used to stabilize shipping crates, these beetles wreak havoc to the very trees they thrive upon.
About the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB)
Known by the Binomial name, Agrilus Planipennis, is named after the emerald color of their exterior. The life cycle of the EAB begins when an adult female lay eggs into the ash tree bark and crevices. From there newly hatched larvae bore through the bark and sapwood, where they disrupt the nutrient flow through the tree trunk. After completing pre-pupae and pupae phases, the adult EABs emerge from the tree by chewing exit holes in the bark and immediately taking flight.
Is There Really an EAB Threat in Las Vegas?
As the northeast continues to get battered with cold weather, it is thought that there may be a decline in EAB as they are wiped out during the sub-zero temperatures. Unfortunately, as updated facts continue to show the spread of EAB throughout the United States, it is likely that they will end up in the Las Vegas valley eventually. EAB travel by means of movement of firewood and nursery stock from one region to another. This means that once they are present, they are sure to remain.
How to Prevent EAB in Your Ash Trees
Since adult EAB lay their eggs at the base of Ash trees or along major branches, prevention and treatment of EAB is possible by treating these areas. A systemic insecticide can be applied, and reapplied every two years, to prevent eggs and larvae from maturing. The least invasive treatment is an insecticide applied to the trunk, and absorbed through the bark. A more invasive way will kill larva and adults, but not eggs, when it is applied as a protective cover spray to the branches and trunk.
With an estimated 8 billion Ash trees in the United States, and approximately 200 million already perished due to the EAB, taking precautions is recommended. If you think that there is an EAB invasion happening in your Ash trees, contact Greenway Pest Services immediately. Our professional pest control specialists can evaluate your pest situation and being treatment to rid your home, business, or property of pests today.
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